
NAIDnews From the Editor: Leveraging Business

March 8, 2018

Kelly Martínez, NAID Director of Marketing & Communications

Reading this edition of the NAIDnews, you may have noticed it’s a bit thicker than usual. There was a lot to share with our members. During its layout as I perused through the article titles, I was struck by how introspective the titles rang. The authors speak of building a “firm foundation”, “assessment”, “opportunity”, and beg the question “where do you stand?” While the article topics themselves vary from operations to community involvement, the overarching theme struck me.

As a business, who do you want to be? As an association, who do you want NAID to be? And then, what is the wisest course to achieve it all? NAID seeks to help members achieve that success. There are times when pivotal business decisions are thrust at our feet, but also, every choice made day-in and day-out likewise shapes the future and dictates who we become.

So today, I urge you as you read through this copy of the NAIDnews to be a little introspective. Don’t just read about cybersecurity on page 12, see how you could leverage the lessons learned with your existing and potential clients to gain more business. Stop reading about NAID AAA Certification and how it’s growing other people’s businesses; put this credential to work to actively grow your own. And finally, step up to the challenge on page 44 to see how else you can get involved in your local community.

Perhaps as you read through this issue of the NAIDnews you will find yourself redefining what success means for you or find a new path to get there.

Kelly Martinez